

“Since you have never traveled this way before, they will guide you. Stay about half a mile behind them, keeping a clear distance between you and the Ark. Make sure you don’t come any closer.” (Joshua 3:4).

It was a déjà vu moment for Kung’u. “It feels like I have been in this place before.” He thought to himself. “Or did I read in in a book?” He further thought as he attempted to make sense of what was going through his mind.

He recalled a book he had read titled “The Road less travelled” by Scott Peck, a 20th century psychiatrist. He had read the book after a recommendation by a friend and had identified strongly with the message of the book. Among the themes in the book, one had really stuck with him. Something Scott called ‘maturity of love’, but his mind had digressed. He realized the feeling was not about the book, even though he appreciated it as a good read.

For a while before that moment, Kung’u had felt like he was at a fork on the road. The picture that came to his mind was that of a highway with many people , all flowing in the same direction. Some were slow, others fast , others were spectating and others were struggling to keep the pace. Still others were hesitant travelers not sure to keep going or if there could be another way.

This last category was a torn lot. They had a pull to go forward by the promise some seemingly short distance ahead of them. They had been moving for this promise of better tomorrow for a while, but were beginning to wonder whether the promise was a mirage. “Maybe after the next turn we will find the destination.”, they had felt severally. On the other hand they had this discontent that kept them constantly thinking that there must be another way.

They had come across several forks and wondered whether that was a better path, but the pressure to conform to the popular path where the majority were could not allow them to take the alternate path. There were times they had taken alternate paths, but therewith found that people increase on the path with time and it turned out to be highways eventually.

Kung’u was among the hesitant ones and he was at yet another fork.

“What is in that path to interest anyone?” some of his friends wondered aloud that he could even think of it.

“Is there even a path there?” another had asked.

“How is it that they cannot see this path?” Kung’u wondered to himself silently.

“You will have to create the path yourself for I cannot see anything where you want to branch.” Another retorted as if reading his mind.

It then dawned on Kung’u that he could be seeing something that others around him were not seeing.

But, how?

“What is this all about?” Kung’u asked in his mind.

As if giving an answer to his own question, a voice from within him answered,

” There is a path that only you can walk. That is not a physical path, but a spiritual path. It is a path that is walked in the heart and since it is inside of you, no one can walk that path with you. That is the reason others are not seeing it. It is the way of the kingdom of God, which is within you. Your spirit within you is made in the image of God and for communion with Him. Other people around you may only see the outward manifestation of the kingdom of God within you. Your spirit in communion with God’s Spirit, leading your submitted soul(intellect, emotions, and will) to outwardly bear fruits that God has called you to bear. “

Then Kung’u recalled Jesus’ words,

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” (Matt 7:13-14)(NLT)

There was a moment of depressed feeling in those words before he recalled some other words by Jesus,

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matt 11:28-29 (NLT)

Kung’u right there knew what he needed to do.