Kiswahili Bible

I need your help.

But, first let me give some background.

In 2017, my family and I left Nairobi for the coastal town of Mtwapa. I was not too sure what to expect, but had one desire on top of everything else – bearing the testimony of Jesus Christ. One afternoon in the estate where we first stayed, I spoke to one of the workers inviting him for a bible study in our house. He happened to be the same person that had shown us around the neighborhood in our first days.

He was hesitant at first, but somehow he reconsidered it and joined us. We had hoped to attract a bigger group of people, but ended up being just the three of us, Enock, Virginia (my wife) and I.  He had no bible of his own and we gave him one (english/swahili parallel) we had bought for ourselves to learn the scriptures in Kiswahili.

For the next one year or so, we went through the scriptures together using a guide (discovering God), that emphasized reading, retelling, and application. This guide takes you through the bible story from Genesis to the gospels using selected portions of scriptures.

What we witnessed happening is a pelleting for God’s word that eventually led to personal responsibility for knowing God through the scriptures. We experienced it and observed this happen in Enock as his bible became a most precious treasure, reading it from beginning to end.

By the time we got to the story of Nichodemus coming to Jesus at night, Enock was ready to make a response to Jesus invitation to life and was asking, “What must I do to be saved?” “Repent and be baptized.”

We have since moved from the area, but have kept a close contact with Enock. The transformation that has taken place in his life has not only been in his personal life, but also in his desire to share the good news of the gospel that has changed his life. He shares the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone around him that cares to listen, saying that he’d like to do to others what was done for him, empowered to know God through the scriptures.

The people who knew him before marvel at how much he knows and how it has transformed his life. To those that are attracted to his life , he desires to give bibles and help them know the word of God for themselves.

We have tried to help Enock to the extent we are able to, but he still needs more bibles. Lately, he has been talking with some fishermen from whom he buys supplies for his fish business and they asked him for bibles. This is where I need your help.

If you would like to help us with bibles to be able to reach more people with the good news, please email me on or . If you’d like to help, but would prefer to make direct purchases, you can purchase the bibles specifically for that work here@CLC or here@Bible Society of Kenya.

Witnessing for Christ together,
